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bricolage \bree-koh-LAHZH; brih-\, noun: -a dump site for anything at hand, in mind-

Saturday, November 09, 2002

east of the sun, west of the moon*

versi indonesia (indonesian version)

Kataku, "Kamu sudah melihat bulan malam ini?"

Katanya, "Aku tidak bisa melihat bulan dari sini. Kamu?"

Kataku, "Aku ada di timur matahari."

Katanya, "Aku ada di barat bulan."

Kataku, "Aku suka."

Katanya, "Kamu suka ada di sebelah timur matahari?"

Kataku, "Hanya kalau kamu ada di barat bulan."

Katanya, "LOL"**

Sebelum kusadari, aku tidak menyesal telah memasang peranti lunak untuk berkirim pesan secara instan. Sebelum kusadari, aku menyukai waktu macet pulang kantor yang memberiku beberapa jam lebih. Sebelum kusadari, aku naksir dia. Setelah bertukar isi hati selama enam bulan. Dia lucu, cerdas, perhatian dan segar. Agaknya dia memang dirancang untuk selalu muncul dengan bahasan yang aneh, kalimat sapaan yang pintar dan cara pandang yang menggelegar.

Aku masih di kantor hari itu. Baru keluar dari ruangan perang dan debat panas soal potong-memotong frame di footage berita yang akan tayang sore ini. Ya, sekitar dua jam lagi. Juru kamera ternyata merekam beberapa raw footage yang menarik. Tapi jurnalisnya mau menggunakan raw footage itu, sementara aku sebagai kepala departemen berita di stasiun TV swasta ini, punya pikiran berbeda. Aku mestinya jadi berani, menantang, analitis, sekaligus bijak. Tapi menurutku materi berita itu bisa menampar balik kami secara politis. Aku tidak butuh kekacauan macam begitu selagi rating acaraku bagus.

Kataku, "Halo, apa kabar?"

Katanya, "Aku bisa melihat gedungmu."

Kataku, "Aku tidak punya gedung, Sayang."

Katanya, "18 lantai, kan? Dengan neon sign besar perusahaan kamu."

Kataku, "Kamu bisa melihatnya dari tempatmu sekarang?"

Katanya, "Aku punya penglihatan 20-20. Aku tidak buta."

Kataku, "Adakah aku di timur matahari?"

Katanya, "Tidak, kamu di barat matahari."

Jantungku bergerumuh. Sebetulnya berdetak jauh lebih cepat. Dengan keriangan luar biasa.

Kataku, "Ada bistro di lantai satu gedung tempat kamu berada. Pai apelnya enak."

Katanya, "Menggoda sekali."

Kataku, "Lebih enak kalau dibagi dengan seseorang.."

Katanya, "..Selagi menatap sebelah barat bulan."

Kataku, "Ke mana aku harus mengantar?"

Dia memberiku nomor yang salah. Aku harus menelepon empat penyedia jasa telepon seluler untuk menghubunginya.

"Aku nggak yakin.." Katanya datar.

"Apa? Ayolah, kita sudah kenal selama hampir satu tahun. Aku minta bertemu di tempat umum."

"Tempat umum yang letaknya di sebelah gedung kantormu."

"Kamu tadi bilang tidak mau pindah tempat karena macet."

"Kamu pakai dasi?"

"Cepat ke sini dan kalau kamu tidak suka tampangku.." Aku ambil napas sebentar. "..yah lupakan aku."

"Sungguh? Rasanya kamu yang tidak berani melupakan aku.." Betapa menggoda!

Aku mengenali suara itu. Sedikit berat, tapi perempuan sekali. Aku memutar punggung.
Sekarang aku betul-betul naksir. Sebuah gambar bongkar pasang yang lengkap tergelar di hadapanku.

"Hai.. apa kabar?" Dia tersenyum. Dan aku jadi keju mozzarella di atas piza panas.

"Aku.. aku baik." Aku mencoba menyembunyikan semua perasaan yang campur aduk. Aku melihat kedua matanya. Raut wajahnya. Potongan terakhir gambar bongkar pasang.

"Kamu tidak baik-baik saja. Mukamu memerah.." Katanya manja.

Dibagilah tawa hangat. Bulan ada di barat.

Dunia di genggamanku kembali. Lalu-lintas e-mail yang muatannya melebihi e-mail rutin kantoran yang isinya kurang dari 10 kilobit, menjadi kenangan semanis dan sepolos kembang melati dan vanila. Aku benar-benar menghargai jempolku yang lincah menindas keypad pesawat 6250 milikku. Jantungku berdebar lebih kencang setiap kali kudengar suara bip halus penanda masuknya sebuah SMS dan sebuah lagi. Aku memilih memotong anggaran kumpul-kumpul dengan rekan sekantor setiap Jum'at sore dan menghabiskannya untuk telepon interlokal. Dia mengumpulkan dan membawa kembali remah-remah roti yang kutinggalkan sepanjang alur hidupku.

"Kalau ada penerbangan tengah malam, kita bisa melihat ombak bertemu secara horizontal di kaki-kaki kita."

"Kalau aku bisa menyisakan teguk terakhir kopi Irlandia hangat ini untuk kamu, aku ingin." (kalau saja kamu tahu bagaimana caranya)

Aku harusnya menghadiri acara peluncuran buku baru teman baikku. Tapi tampaknya tak ada yang perduli ketika aku melambaikan tangan pada sebuah taksi di luar pusat budaya.

Seribu bintang bersinar di matanya. Senyum yang begitu bercahaya menerangi patung raksasa yang berdiri sombong di atas bukit. Ada getaran halus di pahaku.

"Ya, pasti. Aku tidak akan lupa membelikan layangan Bali yang besar buat kamu." Ini suara beratku.

"Ya, Sayang, aku akan pulang sejam lagi." Ini suara beratnya, tapi perempuan sekali.


* terinspirasi oleh lagu Diana Krall, East of the Sun (and West of the Moon) dalam albumnya "Her Best"
** laughing out loud

jakarta, 06/11/02


Wednesday, November 06, 2002

east of the sun, west of the moon*

english version

blues: did you check the moon tonight?
nlf: I can't see the moon from here. can you?
blues: I'm east of the sun
nlf: I'm west of the moon
blues: I like it
nlf: you like to be the east of the sun?
blues: only if you are the west of the moon
nlf: LOL**

Before I realized it, I hadn't regretted my installing the instant messaging software.
Before I realized it, I had cherished the traffic-congested after hour for giving me a couple of hours extension.
Before I realized it, I had fallen for her. After six months of intensive mental exchanges. She was witty, smart, caring and fresh. Somehow she was built to always come up with uncommon topics of the day, smart pick up lines and spanking new way of looking at things.

I was still at the office that day. Fresh from the war room and hot debate whether to cut or not to cut some frames in the news footage to be aired later this evening. Well, actually in another two hours. The cameraman turned out to have recorded some interesting raw footages. The reporter would like to use it, but I as the head of a news department in this private TV station, thought differently. I am supposed to be bold, intriguing, analytical and wise at the same time. But I just think that the material might have some political backlash at us. I don't need crap like that while we have a good rating now.

blues: hey nee, how are ya?
nlf: I can see your building.
blues: I don't have a building, dear.
nlf: 18 floors, rite? with that big neon sign of your company.
blues: can you see that all the way from where you are?
nlf: I have a 20-20 vision. I'm not blind.
blues: am I east of the sun?
nlf: no, you are west of the sun

My heart was pounding. It was racing actually. With pure excitement.

blues: there is a bistro down your building, they have juicy apple pie.
nlf: scrumptious.
blues: it will be juicier if you share it with someone..
nlf: while gazing the west of the moon
blues: where should I deliver the pie?

She gave me the wrong number. I had to try all four cellular phone providers to contact her.

"I'm not sure.." She said flatly.
"What? Come on, we've known each other for almost a year. I'm asking you to meet me in a public place."
"A public place, which is across your building."
"Well, you told me you don't want to go somewhere else because of the traffic jam."
"Do you wear a tie?"
"Just get down here and if you don't like the way I look.." I exhaled for a second. ".. then ditch me."
"Really? I don't think you would dare to ditch me.." How seductive!

I recognize that voice. A bit heavy, but very womanly. I turned my back.
Now I believe that I have really fallen for her. A completed puzzle is set in front of me.

"Hi.. how are you?" She smiled. And I become a mozarella cheese on top of a hot pizza.
"I'm.. I'm good.." I tried to hide all that mixed feelings. I looked at her eyes. Her face. The final piece of 1000 pieces of puzzle.
"You're not good. You're blushing." She said coyly.

Heartwarming laughs were shared. The moon is on our west.

The world is in my hands again. The e-mail traffic, which exceeds the regular, business-like, less-than-10 kilobytes, became sweet and innocent remembrance of jasmine and vanilla. I really appreciate my nimble thumb thumping the keypad of my 6250. My heart does beat faster as I heard the soft beep of an incoming message and more. I'd rather cut my budget for TGIF after hour gathering with office buddies and spend it more on long distance calls. She collected and brought me the breadcrumbs I had left along my path of life.

"If there is a midnight flight, we would have watched waves crashed horizontally on our feet."
"If I could spare my last gulp of this warm Irish coffee with you, I would." *if you know what I mean by how!*

I was supposed to attend a book launching of a dear friend. But no one seemed to have mind and bothered my hailing a cab outside the cultural center.

A thousand stars gleam over her eyes. A smile so radiant illuminates the arrogant humongous statue looming on top of the hill. A smooth vibration crept through my thigh.

"Yes, sure. I won't forget to buy you a big Balinese kite." This is my heavy, commanding voice.
"Yes, honey, I'll be home in an hour." This one is her heavy, but womanly voice.

*inspired by diana krall's song, "east of the sun (and west of the moon) in her album "her best"
** laughing out loud

jakarta, 06/11/02
